The Benefits of Self-Hosting Blogs Versus Managed Hosting: A Reflection on the Closure of Egloos

The Benefits of Self-Hosting Blogs Versus Managed Hosting: A Reflection on the Closure of Egloos
Photo by Mailchimp / Unsplash

On June 16, 2023, Egloos, a prominent blogging service in South Korea, announced its shutdown. Despite its popularity, the platform faced operational challenges and struggled to find a profitable revenue model. In the wake of this event, many bloggers are now reconsidering their hosting options. The dichotomy between self-hosting and managed hosting has thus come under scrutiny.

Self-hosting, which involves running your blog on your server, holds a certain allure for many bloggers. This is primarily due to the high degree of control and customization it offers. As the administrator, you have the freedom to install any software or plugin and tweak the settings to your liking. You're not bound by the limitations imposed by a managed hosting service. This flexibility can be instrumental in creating a unique blog that stands out from the crowd.

Furthermore, with self-hosting, you have full ownership of your data. This aspect is particularly important in the wake of the closure of platforms like Egloos, where users had to scramble to backup their content. In a self-hosted blog, you control your data and decide how it's stored, accessed, and backed up. You also have the option to move your blog to a different server or hosting provider, providing an extra layer of security for your content.

Despite these advantages, self-hosting does require a certain level of technical know-how. It involves managing your server, maintaining the site's security, dealing with downtime, and troubleshooting issues.

In contrast, managed hosting provides a more hands-off approach. The hosting provider takes care of the technical side of things, including server management, software updates, and security. This can be advantageous for bloggers who want to focus on creating content rather than dealing with technicalities. However, managed hosting comes with its drawbacks, such as the potential for service disruptions and the risk of losing your content, as seen with Egloos.

In conclusion, both self-hosting and managed hosting have their merits and drawbacks. The choice between the two depends largely on your technical proficiency, your need for customization, and your comfort level with data ownership. In the aftermath of Egloos, however, the value of data ownership and the freedom of customization provided by self-hosting cannot be overstated.